My second find of the day was the book "Make Do and Mend". It is a book of reproduction instruction leaflets from WWII. I had seen it on Amazon a few months ago, but found it today at Daedalus books for $5.00. It is full of wonderful WWII-ness, but the info is practical and
useful today: how to darn socks, repair a button hole, storage of your clothes, saving fuel, making slippers, cutting down adult clothes and turning them into children's clothes — and that's just scratching the surface. It is definitely a must have for those of us looking for vintage books and resources.
There is also another book in this series, "Eating for Victory". It's next on my list. ;)
Cute book! I may have to swing by Wendy's now.... :o)
I'm putting those books on my list too! My favorite Christmas present this year was "Everyday Fashions of the Forties as Pictured in Sears Catalogs" (