Sunday, October 11, 2009

Now I Belong to Jesus

I love hymns. They are so rich! They are "deeper" than many of today's worship songs. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of modern worship songs that I love, but there is something about a hymn. It's as if there is more of a reverence to God written into it.

Anyways, we usually have one hymn in our Sunday worship. I'm always checking to see if there is a copyright to tell me when the hymn was written. It's rare to find a copyright, since most of the songs are public domain. If you do find a date, it's usually from the 1800's through the 1920's. But today's hymn, "Now I Belong to Jesus", was written by Norman J. Clayton and copyrighted 1943. This made me excited! I don't know of any other hymns that are dated during the war. Here are the lyrics:

    Jesus, my Lord will love me forever,
    From Him no pow'r of evil can sever,
    He gave His life to ransom my soul;
    Now I belong to Him;

      Now I belong to Jesus,
      Jesus belongs to me,
      Not for the years of time alone,
      But for eternity.

    Once I was lost in sin's degradation,
    Jesus came down to bring me salvation,
    Lifted me up from sorrow and shame,
    Now I belong to Him;

      Now I belong to Jesus,
      Jesus belongs to me,
      Not for the years of time alone,
      But for eternity.

    Joy floods my soul for Jesus has saved me,
    Freed me from sin that long had enslaved me
    His precious blood, He came to redeem,
    Now I belong to Him;

      Now I belong to Jesus,
      Jesus belongs to me,
      Not for the years of time alone,
      But for eternity.


  1. That was beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
